#128 Spiritual Warfare and God's Protection with Rachel Wortman - Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit

Episode 128

#128 Spiritual Warfare and God's Protection with Rachel Wortman

Step into Jeanette's conversation with Rachel Wortman, a pastor, author, real estate investor, and entrepreneur, as they navigate the intersection of prophetic gifts, personal growth, and the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship. In this episode, Rachel generously shares insights from her book, "The Expansion Mandate," drawing from her experiences in various life stages, emphasizing the importance of embracing vulnerability and understanding God's unconditional love.

This is your exclusive backstage pass, guiding you through the art of pivoting and adapting to the changes that God calls you to make in your life. Learn how to harness every aspect of your life, including your business, to answer His calling

"God does not call the ready; He calls the people who are going to pick up and be worthy through His eyes, not because you know all the things or have all the things."

"I feel like I'm God's favorite every day. He's been so faithful through all these moments in my life."

"Our goal was to build a business that could support our income while we were church planters. And God's goal was that we would build a business that would explode our income so that we could support global evangelism around the world."

In this episode: 

  • Gain insights into facing difficult challenges and uncertain times with unyielding faith.
  • Unifying business and faith to serve God and honoring His will.  
  • Understand the responsibilities that your prophetic gifts carry.

Bible Verses: 

Psalm 18

Are you ready to serve God with your business? DM Jeanette on the grams and learn how you can start optimizing your business as a money-making machine for The Kingdom!

Wanna go deeper?

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Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com

Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook

Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers

Visit Rachel’s website, where you can get her book “The Expansion Mandate” rachelwortman.com

Follow her on the Grams @rachelwortman

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
with Jeanette Peterson, operations consultant, strategist, and Veteran

About your host

Profile picture for Jeanette Peterson

Jeanette Peterson

Jeanette Peterson is a powerhouse, United States Air Force Veteran, that has been successfully mentoring, empowering, and inspiring women. She helps them turn their businesses into their ministries.

After leaving the military, she had a lot of learning to do. She learned about herself, her gifts, and what she was created for. She knew her next job had to be for God. She knew she had to have the creator of the Universe as her CEO. She prayed and partnered with God.

As a mentor and speaker, Jeanette knows that your divine purpose is unique and only for you. When you walk in purpose you will no longer feel shame or pain, but joy, peace, and love.

It's time to live unapologetically unstoppable!

Jeanette Peterson