What is taking your attention away from your Mission? - Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit

Episode 86

#86: What is taking your attention away from your Mission?

In this episode, Jeanette delves into the topic of attention and how it influences our lives. Let's explore the importance of being intentional with your focus and discuss how to prioritize what truly matters amidst the distractions of everyday life. Tune in!

Where you chose to place your attention, sets the direction of your day. From prioritizing quality time with loved ones to attention-seeking platforms like social media, you need objective decision-making to choose where to direct it, otherwise, you could just be filling your life with activities that do not support your purpose and mission, or neglecting the time your loved ones require from you.

During periods of transition, it is especially important to prioritize your tasks and eliminate attention-draining activities. By taking inventory of your attention allocation and aligning it with your divine calling, you will be accomplishing more, as well as experiencing greater peace and fulfillment.

Tune in to learn about the power of deliberate focus, the impact it has on various aspects of your life, and one quick trick to recognize and eliminate distractions that hinder your mission and redirect your attention towards what truly matters.

In this episode:

  • The power of attention and its impact on our lives
  • Being deliberate in allocating time and attention to important areas, such as family and relationships
  • Recognizing the influence of social media and other attention-seeking platforms
  • Making conscious choices to limit distractions and focus on meaningful activities
  • Evaluating priorities during times of transition or change
  • Taking inventory of how attention is allocated and redefining boundaries

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About the Podcast

Show artwork for Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
with Jeanette Peterson, operations consultant, strategist, and Veteran

About your host

Profile picture for Jeanette Peterson

Jeanette Peterson

Jeanette Peterson is a powerhouse, United States Air Force Veteran, that has been successfully mentoring, empowering, and inspiring women. She helps them turn their businesses into their ministries.

After leaving the military, she had a lot of learning to do. She learned about herself, her gifts, and what she was created for. She knew her next job had to be for God. She knew she had to have the creator of the Universe as her CEO. She prayed and partnered with God.

As a mentor and speaker, Jeanette knows that your divine purpose is unique and only for you. When you walk in purpose you will no longer feel shame or pain, but joy, peace, and love.

It's time to live unapologetically unstoppable!

Jeanette Peterson