#124 How to Use Automation To Help You Connect Deeper - Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit

Episode 124

#124 How to Use Automation To Help You Connect Deeper

In this episode Jeanette unveils the key to deepening connections in 2024 by leveraging automation. Join her as she explores the changing landscape of online businesses and reveals the golden ticket to serving your audience on a higher level.

As 2024 emerges, Jeanette declares the year of connection. Why? The evolving expectations of online interactions are calling for automations to create a tailored experience to serve better and elevate your operations.

"We are the front lines of defense for our business, for God, for our lives, for our partners, for our kids."

"Make your email sequence, ask them for their email, and drop them in the sequence. Don't send them anything."

"You need to be in the DMs. You need to be talking. You need to be serving. You need to be showing up for clients, potential clients, and everybody else that wants to be in your orbit."

"Think about how people want to be served. Think about how you want to be served. Everybody wants a tailored experience."

In this episode: 

  • Lead from the Front. Stand at the forefront of your business, defending your goals, faith, and relationships.
  • 2024 is the year of connection. Embrace the need for deeper connections with those you're called to serve.
  • Embrace Automation. Utilize email sequences to provide a personalized experience without overwhelming manual efforts.
  • Meet the evolving expectations of your audience by automating operations and focusing on tailored experiences.
  • Prioritize direct communication and engagement with your audience to build meaningful connections.

Ready to elevate your automations and operations? Connect with Jeanette and DM her for a sneak peek into the process. 

Wanna go deeper?

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Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook

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That's where you need to be, on the front line. You can't be leading from the back no more. We are leading from the front. We are on the front line. And if we need to pass information to the back, to our people, that's cool. But we are standing out front with the sword. We are the front line of defense for our business, for God, for our lives, for our partners, for our kids.

We are the front lines of defense. Do you want God's plan for your life? Do you want to discover your calling? Do you want to build a business that's aligned with God's will? Hey girl. Hey, I'm Jeanette, business and faith coach. After a decade in the military, the Air Force said, see you later. And I had to find my true calling.

Want to know how God directed my life from a cyber security engineer to a faith and business mentor? In this podcast, I'll teach you how to start a business, how to know your business is God's calling. monetization techniques, how to trust the Holy Spirit, and how to set boundaries to listen to His word alone.

Ready to become unapologetically unstoppable?

my goodness, it is basically:

I feel like there's a certain amount of people that I am called to serve that are going to be magnetized to my voice through the Lord to serve them properly. Right. I feel like that happens with, with all of us. Right. But I also feel like there's an easier way. To serve people correctly and at a higher level than we've been doing.

Okay, clear, clear that out. There is. How do we do that? Jeanette, how do we do that? How do we serve people in a higher level than we've already been serving? We've been serving our butts off. Yes. Yes I know you have. We've been connecting our butts off. Yes. Yes, I know you have. And we've been working non stop.

ng the midnight oil this last:

nts connection. You just said:

Um, I was talking to my coach and we were talking about what that looks like now. And her company runs lots and lots of things and so they see how people want to be treated and how people respond to things now, right? Um, one way that people are responding to things now is they don't want you to send them a link and a DM for your freebie.

They don't want that. They don't want that link. You know what they want? They want to know that they are going to be handled and you are sending them an email personally. Now, you've only got time for that, okay? I'm trying to send out freebies to everybody. I'm trying to Oprah this thing, right? We're trying to send out as many freebies, serve as many people as possible because I'm here to expand, right?

I'm here to expand my territory. I'm here to take up space. I'm here to do whatever God has for me in the biggest, boldest, unapologetically unstoppable way that I can, okay? That's what I'm doing. But this is the golden ticket right here, y'all. I hope you're listening. If you haven't been listening, turn this up.

This is the golden ticket. Make your email sequence, ask them for their email, and drop them in the sequence. Don't send them anything. Make your email sequence, do the whole thing. You're just not sending them to a link. You're just asking them for their email. You can do that. You can just Or even send it to your VA.

Hey, here you go. I got this, this person, and this person. And you just be in the DMs. You just be talking. You just be talking. That's where you need to be. You need to be in the DMs. You need to be talking to the people. You need to be serving. You need to be showing up for clients, potential clients, and everybody else that wants to be in your orbit.

Okay, that's where you need to be on the front lines. You can't be leading from the back no more I don't know where you think this is. This is not Rome. We are leading from the front We are on the front lines and if we need to pass information to the back to our people, that's cool But we are standing out front with the swords We are the front line of defense for our business for God for our lives for our partners for our kids We are the front lines of defense.

We're not putting people out on the front lines to defend us That's not what this is.

Take that key tip that I just gave you and start operating from a sense of serving better. Even higher than you could before. Think about how people want to be served. Think about how you want to be served. Think about knowing that everybody wants a tailored to them experience, right? And so when you want that tailored to them experience, you know what they want?

They want the red carpet rolled out for them. They want to feel like Beyonce. Or Taylor Swift, pick your poison. Right? They want to feel like that, but also be humbled. Right? They're not trying to be like a diva about it. They just want to feel like you care and you do care, but you care about a lot of people.

So we've got to get these operations automated, automate your operations, any of the things that you can. And that's where I come in, right? If you need help with any of these things, holler at your girl. I also have a automation book. DM me, and I'll send it to you. DM me your email address, and I'll send it to you.

Because, uh, yeah, I'm not gonna send you a link for this. I mean, I can set one up soon. It'll probably be in the show notes. There will be one in the show notes. I take that back. But, if you want to see how this process actually goes, send me a DM, and I'll show you exactly how this goes. Because it's going to be me.

I do have people on my team, but it's going to be me sending you that email, dropping it in the funnel. Okay. Just letting you know. I am no longer wizard of Oz. I'm just showing you behind the curtain. That's what it is. So if you're ready to up level your automations and your operations, check out the show notes.

Talk to you soon. Wow. That was so good. So I know that you know, somebody that also needs to hear that. So share this episode. Leave a review. And I would love if you could watch my free workshop at JeanettePeterson. com slash missing piece. I'll see you guys over on the grams at Jeanette. Peterson. Bye.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
with Jeanette Peterson, operations consultant, strategist, and Veteran

About your host

Profile picture for Jeanette Peterson

Jeanette Peterson

Jeanette Peterson is a powerhouse, United States Air Force Veteran, that has been successfully mentoring, empowering, and inspiring women. She helps them turn their businesses into their ministries.

After leaving the military, she had a lot of learning to do. She learned about herself, her gifts, and what she was created for. She knew her next job had to be for God. She knew she had to have the creator of the Universe as her CEO. She prayed and partnered with God.

As a mentor and speaker, Jeanette knows that your divine purpose is unique and only for you. When you walk in purpose you will no longer feel shame or pain, but joy, peace, and love.

It's time to live unapologetically unstoppable!

Jeanette Peterson