#125 Embracing Faith, and Infusing Purpose into Your Business with Lynette Robinson - Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit

Episode 125

#125 Embracing Faith, and Infusing Purpose into Your Business with Lynette Robinson

Join Jeanette and her guest, Lynette Robinson, as they explore what the journey of a Christian business owner looks like. Let’s dive into the challenges, triumphs, and the unapologetic faith that fuels the Christian entrepreneurial spirit. Today you’ll gain important insights on integrating faith into the business landscape and what it truly means to run a business with a Christian perspective.

From embracing change to staying committed to one's purpose, there is a way to an unapologetically faith-driven journey, the key is incremental progress and adaptability, as well as a positive attitude, gratitude, and a relentless dedication to one’s calling because every business endeavor is an opportunity to fulfill a greater purpose for those seeking a purpose-driven path in both their personal and professional spheres.

"My business is for God... it's a testament to how I was raised to continue on with my family's legacy."

"Because when you release it and you surrender everything to God, you know that no matter what happens, He got it."

"I want God's pay. God's pay is better than man's pay any day of the week."

"My encouragement for people is to just take it one thing at a time. You can't build out your entire business of systems and processes all at once. You really have to identify the priority areas and take it one thing at a time, one process at a time, one project at a time, one task at a time."

In this episode:

  • Embrace change and be open to pivoting or adjusting your business model as you grow.
  • Approach each day as a new opportunity, and be grateful for the chance to fulfill your purpose.
  • Integrate family values into your business, recognizing the impact on future generations.
  • Faith-Driven Entrepreneurship: Align your business decisions with Christian values, allowing faith to guide your journey.
  • Maintain a posture of gratefulness, focusing on the positive aspects of life and business.

Bible Verses: 

Ephesians 3:20

If you are ready to infuse your business with Christian values and navigate the entrepreneurial journey with faith connect with Jeanette and explore how you can integrate your Christian beliefs into your business model.

Wanna go deeper?

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Find Your Spiritual Gifts QUIZ https://xh063pdr6s6.typeform.com/to/pb2mrc2H?typeform-source=www.jeanettepeterson.com

Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook

Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers

Connect with Lynette at  www.lighter living virtual solutions.com and on The Grams @_lynettedrobinson_ 

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
with Jeanette Peterson, operations consultant, strategist, and Veteran

About your host

Profile picture for Jeanette Peterson

Jeanette Peterson

Jeanette Peterson is a powerhouse, United States Air Force Veteran, that has been successfully mentoring, empowering, and inspiring women. She helps them turn their businesses into their ministries.

After leaving the military, she had a lot of learning to do. She learned about herself, her gifts, and what she was created for. She knew her next job had to be for God. She knew she had to have the creator of the Universe as her CEO. She prayed and partnered with God.

As a mentor and speaker, Jeanette knows that your divine purpose is unique and only for you. When you walk in purpose you will no longer feel shame or pain, but joy, peace, and love.

It's time to live unapologetically unstoppable!

Jeanette Peterson