#114 What Amy Porterfield taught me about collaboration - Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit

Episode 114

#114 What Amy Porterfield taught me about collaboration

What's the power of collaboration and meaningful relationships in the world of business? Today Jeanette reflects on her experience with a course by Amy Porterfield and how it led to a deeper understanding of collaboration with industry peers and synchronization in launching products and services. Tune in and learn how fostering authentic connections and collaborating with others can help you build a stronger empire of unstoppable entrepreneurs working together for the Kingdom of God. 

"I want deep, meaningful relationships. I want people who do different things in my sphere, so that way, I can refer them to people, and they can refer people to me."

"I don't want to be the jack of all trades. I want to teach my one thing, and I want you to teach your one thing so that way, when we build our empire..."

"I'm ready to build that empire and take over a piece of the internet for the Kingdom."

"Imagine what it would look like if your business and my business, we've got three other friends' businesses, we all come together and we're all doing different things. Do you know how powerful that would be?"

Building a conglomerate of like-minded individuals who can cross-promote during launches creates a formidable force for positive change. Are you ready to be a part of it? Here's what you'll learn in this episode:

  1. Why building deep, meaningful relationships is essential personally and professionally.
  2. How to achieve greater success and reach suring your launches through collaboration and synchronization.
  3. How to create a mutually beneficial ecosystem using the power of referring and supporting others in your industry.
  4. How specializing and focusing on teaching your unique strengths prepares you for collaboration. 

Ready to be part of the Kingdom's empire of unstoppable entrepreneurs? Reach out and connect with Jeanette! Your contribution could be the key to building a brighter future for the Kingdom of God.

Wanna go deeper?

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Free book: Build a business with automation excellence https://jeanettepeterson.com/ebook

Prayers: https://jeanettepeterson.com/prayers

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
Unapologetically Unstoppable: Building Kingdom Businesses with the Holy Spirit
with Jeanette Peterson, operations consultant, strategist, and Veteran

About your host

Profile picture for Jeanette Peterson

Jeanette Peterson

Jeanette Peterson is a powerhouse, United States Air Force Veteran, that has been successfully mentoring, empowering, and inspiring women. She helps them turn their businesses into their ministries.

After leaving the military, she had a lot of learning to do. She learned about herself, her gifts, and what she was created for. She knew her next job had to be for God. She knew she had to have the creator of the Universe as her CEO. She prayed and partnered with God.

As a mentor and speaker, Jeanette knows that your divine purpose is unique and only for you. When you walk in purpose you will no longer feel shame or pain, but joy, peace, and love.

It's time to live unapologetically unstoppable!

Jeanette Peterson